Thursday, February 2, 2012

how will I present the sound recordings?

Today my GSI, Graduate Student Instructor, James Rotz visited me. He sparked in my mind many ideas for the presentation of my work. How will I present the sound recordings? Throughout the semester, either my faculty, my classmates, or myself used the word intimate to describe some of the recordings. And some of the recordings are very intimate images of Brenda and Mrs. Johnston. Brenda's care giving is intimate.

So, James suggested maybe finding a corner of a gallery for my project. I could position a comfortable chair facing the corner, so all my fellow classmates work would not be seen, nothing against my classmates. I also want to some how remake aspects of the environment of Mrs. Johnston's house: a comfortable chair, a antique lamp stand, a dresser with clothes, and paintings and drawings hanging on the walls. James showed me the work of Trevor Gerring. He made a piece about Holly Park, a mobile home residence founded by his grandpa Hal Gerring. Here is a link to how he presented his work.

Holly Park

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